KNR, Inc.

Mooney Gear Tools


  Nose Gear Tensioning Tool - #KT8442…………………..$165.00*

                       * Price does not include shipping.


In conjunction with a 150 inch-pound torque wrench, used to determine the nose gear down-lock overcenter tension.




Main Gear Tensioning Tool - #KT8444…………………...$165.00*

                          * Price does not include shipping.


Used with a 400 inch-pound torque wrench to determine the main gear down-lock overcenter tension.



Nose Gear Shock Disk Tool - #KTME120………………..$1,300.00*

            * Price does not include shipping.


Used to compress nose gear rubber shock disks for removal and installation with new J11968-14 disks (3 disks needed).



Main Gear Shock Disk Tool – #KTME121………………..$1,300.00*

             * Price does not include shipping.


Compresses main gear shock disks during removal and installation with new J11968-14 disks (4 disks per gear needed).